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Here you can choose from traditional ways of air purifications to new to industry methods of air cleaning and solutions.

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This is the ultimate in safe, healthy, whole-home air purification. Offering hospital-grade filtration featuring the Lennox Healthy Climate™ Carbon Clean 16® air filter that removes over 99% of the virus that causes COVID-19* from the air*, as well as even smaller viruses, bacteria, and fungal spores. Also, unlike other purification systems, the PureAir™ produces zero lung-irritating ozone and actively removes existing ozone found in the home*. And its filter features a design that ensures the least airflow resistance* for unmatched efficiency and consistently clean, perfect air. 

Healthy Climate® UV germicidal lights remove contaminants like mold, mildew and bacteria. Using maximum-intensity ultraviolet light, they damage the cell structure of microorganisms, preventing them from growing and spreading throughout your home.

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